Customer and Employee loyalty, NPS & eNPS

Growth through increased loyalty

We are experts on the NPS method. We help you to grow with strong customer focus & increased employee engagement. Here is a teaser of what we offer.

NPS strengthen loyalty and improves customer experiences

Create better customer experiences with customer feedback and the NPS method

The competition to attract customers is fierce today. In order to stay one step ahead, it is important to grow together with the customers. Customer loyalty is affected by the relationship the customer has with your company and the brand, as well as the experiences they have over time.

In order to know what strengthens the relationship and which experiences are in demand, it is important to listen and understand the customers. It is about meeting customers on their terms and premises and delivering according to their needs and, expectations. The NPS method helps you to constantly keep track of this, so that you can quickly and easily develop the business together with the customers.

Feel free to contact us if you want to know more.

To put the customer first

We at MarketDirection are experts in NPS and the leading NPS consultants in the Nordic region. Over the years we have helped many businesses to increase their customer focus and direct the business development to the true driving forces behind customer loyalty. We help you to: 

  • Listen and better understand your customers.
  • Nurture and take care of your customers.
  • Turn a customer's dissatisfaction into praise.
  • Create customer experiences that are in demand.
  • Get your customers to tell others about you.

Contact us if you want to know more.

Promoters Passives Detractors nps
Customer Experiences  decisive for the choice of supplier

Customer experience vital for choice

Customers no longer have price and product as their main focus when choosing who they want to buy from. Now it is customer experiences that are crucial and that differentiate you from your competitors. This makes it even more central to ensure that the customer experiences become meaningful throughout the customer journey.

Here, the customers themselves sit on a large part of the answer. If you bring them into the business development, it is easier to prioritize correctly. With concise surveys after touchpoints, you capture their opinions. It gives you a constant chance to calibrate, to exceed expectations and to be the obvious choice over time.

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Many winners with customer loyalty focus

The results from surveys and other customer feedback are put into a results portal. There, the customer's opinions and behaviors are analyzed based on needs and expectations. You receive support to see financial impact. Through correlation analysis, you can easily find out what drives customer loyalty and what needs to be prioritized in development to increase it.

Processes, workshops and action plans enable you to effectively act on the results and involve the employees. When the development is driven on a direct follow-up, operational and strategic level in parallel, you will really experience the impact and power of customer-driven business development. Not only for the customers - but also for your employees and your business.

Curious to know more about our working model?

Driving change with NPS
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We tailor our services

We are a complete supplier of NPS-programs and surveys. This means that we do not stop at helping you with just the implementation of surveys, but are part of the entire journey of change, so that you really achieve the goals and objectives you are looking for. You can choose all support or pick from our services.

  • System - Survey, action management & results portal
  • Surveys - B2B, B2C, employees & market
  • Analysis & Report - For insight & prioritization
  • Development - Action & management of results
  • Commitment - Educate, involve & motivate employees
  • Drive change - Strategy, processes & goal management

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Why choose MarketDirection

”That we have come so far in our CX / NPS work and managed to anchor it so well in the organization would not have been possible without an external star and partner that we have in you.”

Emma Pluntky Martin rekommenderar MarketDirection

Some of our clients

Clients to MarketDirection